When you invest your hard-earned money on a home security system to protect those you love, you definitely want some assurances that the product/service provider is not some fly-by-night enterprise that won’t be around for the long haul.

At Calgary Alarm, we get that our customers, whether using a wired solution or a wireless solution, want a product and service provider that is dependable. That’s why we offer all of our clients in Calgary an ironclad Lifetime Service Protection guarantee that is applicable to all our residential and commercial customers.

You can be certain that we’ll stand behind you because we stand behind what we believe is the best suite of home security products available on the market today. And we believe that you and your family deserve only the best.


For as little as $19.90 per month, you’ll have our Lifetime Service Protection guarantee that is unparalleled in the home security industry. Once you sign up, you’ll be able to call our customer service reps with any concerns, and any equipment that is under warranty/ has not experienced misuse will have parts replaced and associated labour covered for no extra cost. This guarantees that you’ll never have to worry about being left out in the cold by a company that won’t stand behind what it sells.


Once you sign on for a home security system, you’ll not only have access to the best products and services, but also the best in customer service. So should you ever have an issue of any kind with your residential home security solution, don’t fret. When you call our customer service professionals, you’ll get the following benefits as part of your service contract:

  • Unlimited number of service calls – and by unlimited, we truly mean what we say with no exceptions
  • Parts and labour at no cost to you, beyond what you pay as part of your monthly monitoring fees
  • For only $19.90 per month, less than the cost of breakfast or lunch at your favorite restaurant, you’ll get our Lifetime Service Protection promise – and for no cost (if battery falls under warranty) we’ll allow you one free service call as well as all battery changes so that your sensors are always on duty

  • Our Lifetime Service Protection plan is just what you need to ensure that your family and residence are safe from dangers ranging from home invasions to fires to floods. Disasters can materialize at any time, so it’s better to be safe than sorry, and our Lifetime Service Protection will definitely help to keep you and yours safe.

    When you contact us at Calgary Alarm, our courteous, professional security team members will take the time to listen to what you want, explain what we offer and answer any and all of your questions so that you can make an informed buying decision. We’re certain that when you learn about the Calgary Alarm advantage, you’ll choose the best home security company in all of Calgary: Calgary Alarm.