Tips To Prevent False Alarms

United Alarm | 24 OCT 2016

Tips To Prevent False Alarms

False alarms ultimately take police’s time away from those who are in real danger. Not only are false alarms a source of embarrassment and frustration, but they can negatively impact your your security provider and may even upset your community. They can also result in expensive fees. Even worse, they may make it more likely that you do not arm your alarm system out of frustration, putting you and your family at an increased risk of danger. The most common cause of false alarms is human error—70-percent, in fact. The good news is that false alarms can easily be prevented once you identify the cause. Common Causes of False AlarmsPreventing False Alarms Now that you have an idea of the common causes of false alarms, it it becomes apparent that these causes can be easily prevented. For example: What To Do If an Alarm Goes Off Consider Calgary Alarms for your choice of monitoring service—we are one of the best security alarm monitoring companies in Canada. Contact us today for more.